Combate à corrupção nas contratações públicas como política pública


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  • Roberta Bárbara Carneiro Föppel El Hireche


Corruption; Public Compliance; Fundamental Rights; Public Policy.


The objective of this article is to demonstrate how the fight against corruption in public procurement can be an important public policy for reducing levels of corruption and its deleterious effects. To develop the present study, the hypothetical-deductive approach was used as a method of approach, in which it is intended to analyze the phenomenon of corruption and
its consequences in Brazil, as well as its confrontation through integrity mechanisms. It is supported by the hypothesis that the implementation of the integrity system in public administration and the requirement of integrity programs for those who enter into a contract with the government can reduce the levels of systemic corruption in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Glicério de Oliveira Filho, J. ., & Bárbara Carneiro Föppel El Hireche, R. . (2022). Combate à corrupção nas contratações públicas como política pública. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 1(02), 188–205. Retrieved from