A Lei Anticorrução e os Programas de Compliance no Brasil


  • Carlos Eduardo Adriano Japiassú
  • Ana Lúcia Tavares Ferreira


Economic Criminal law. International law. Bribery. Corporation criminal liability.


Deals with the new Brazilian legislation on the liability of corporations for corruption offenses, examining the changes introduced by Anti-corruption Act (ACA). Also addresses the international normative framework about corruption and corporate governance in the context of regulated self-regulation, as well as the development of the compliance programs as essential strategies for the prevention, detection and punishment of corporate corruption.


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How to Cite

Eduardo Adriano Japiassú, C. ., & Lúcia Tavares Ferreira, A. . (2022). A Lei Anticorrução e os Programas de Compliance no Brasil. Revista Científica Do CPJM, 1(03), 139–153. Retrieved from https://rcpjm.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/64